Sunday, May 9, 2010

Those days when showers are out of hand; no time or even out camping on a vaca with friends. The best results for a grease-less hairdo is a combo of cornstarch, rice powder and baby powder. Combine all three together and finish with a fresh smelling harispray, and ta-da! The greasy hair you woke up with now looks refreshed and ready to go. If you can't find the rice powder at a health food store, it's okay to just combine the two. But the three are pretty much what's used in those extremely expensive shampoo-less hairsprays you buy. The wonders that home remedies can do!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

An Italian Composition

While I study for my final exam for Humanities. Learning about all these amazing fifteenth century artists, makes me ponder about an Italian art I, myself am quite fond of. Admiring artwork could be just about anything, depending on your interests. Italian Vogue has stolen my heart when it comes to art. Photographer, Steven Meisels has created an art form unlike any other. Artists like Meisels, gives an entire new statement to the word unique.

I'm have a feeling of awe when I see such beauty.